Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Ujung Genteng, The hidden beauty from West Java

It took more than 7 hours to reach Ujung Genteng by car. During the fasting month when we visited Ujung Genteng, It was very quite and peaceful. The weather was cold though it is near the sea. So it was just perfect for us. Ujung Genteng has a clear blue water and white sandy beach. The beach still un-touch so very natural. Waves is big but in some places, corals break waves far from beach so we can play and swim in that area. One thing that unique, in Ujung Genteng we can find turtle conservation, everyday during the sunset (around 5.30 pm) they will release a newborn turtle to its habitat in the ocean. The 'mother turtle' usually lays
eggs at night (around 8 pm - 4 am) and the people from the conservation collect eggs and try to protect and move them to the safe place and keep them until the time for the baby turtle come out. There are a lot of enemies for turtle eggs as well as the baby turtle. That is why they try to protect the turtle. From 100 eggs, there are only 1-3% who will survive. Life is about to survive .... it is true not even for human being but also for turtle.

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